Burlington public library social media policy

The Burlington Public Library provides access to a wide range of electronic information through a variety of access points including, but not limited to, wireless internet, circulating hotspots, circulating Chromebooks, technology help and public computer use.

When logging onto a library computer, connecting to the library’s wireless network, borrowing hotspots using any library equipment, or participating on the library’s social media sites, users agree to adhere to the library’s policies and procedures. Users are responsible for compliance with copyright law, software license agreements, and local, state, and federal laws including but not limited to , those concerning fraud, forgery, harassment, privacy and obscenity (Iowa Code 728). It is a violation to damage library equipment through misuse or mistreatmet.

When logging onto a public library computer, users must agree to the following guidelines:

Your privilege of using these public computers may be revoked if you violate our Technology Access and Education Policy or fail to comply with these guidelines:

- You must follow any and all library policy and Iowa Law regarding public computer use

- Do not display sexually explicit images or detailed images of violence (Iowa Code 728)

- Do not alter any hardware or attached peripherals except for removable USB drives

Users of library computers create, store, and use personal files on library computers at their own risk. The library is not responsible for the loss of personal electronic documents or files. Library staff will provide limited support on non-library devices.

The library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet, assumes no responsibility, and shall have no liability for any damages arising from the use of information found on the Internet, or any communications sent through the library’s networks, equipment, or social media sites. Users are responsible for evaluating material for accuracy and suitability and may encounter material that they consider offensive. The availability of information on the Internet or on the library’s social media sites does not constitute an endorsement by the Burlington Public Library.

In order to protect the privacy of its users, the library does not maintain records of what a user views. Complete privacy in using the Internet in the library cannot be promised due to the public nature of the library setting. The library is a public space used by people of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities. Individuals are asked to consider this fact and to respect others when accessing information and images. Users are responsible for compliance with copyright law, software license agreements, and local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, privacy, obscenity, and child pornography (Iowa Code 728).

As with all library resources, supervision and any restriction of a child’s access rests with parents, guardians, or responsible caregivers. Library staff cannot act in place of a parent in providing care or supervision for children on the Internet. The library recognizes the right for each family to define appropriate Internet use for their children. Library staff can provide informational brochures, links to filtered search engines, links by topic, and training opportunities for parents, guardians, and caregivers to assist them in their responsibilities for a child’s Internet use.

Library computers for use outside of the building are managed by the library using management software that allows for device tracking and monitoring within the privacy guidelines. Device tracking may be used when the computer has not been returned. Hotspot service is suspended when the device becomes overdue.

The library reserves the right to m onitor content on its social media sites and to modify or remove any messages, tags or postings that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate for the service.

In order to provide access to as many users as possible, the library reserves the right to limit the amount of time a patron has at a computer. The library reserves the right to end a computer session at any time for any reason. Violation of these policies will result in suspension of library use priileges and/or criminal charges according to Iowa and federal law.

Revised and re-adopted: December 21, 2022; March 17, 2021; February 22, 2018; April 20, 2016; May 15, 2013; Re-adopted: May 20, 2009; Adopted: July 16, 2008