IOU Letter Format: Everything You Need to Know

An IOU letter format is the suggested way that a rather informal agreement between two parties should be put down in writing. It is the only guide to the particulars that an IOU should include, because an IOU can be as simple as words scribbled on a napkin, which is the way most people think of the document. Its simplicity, however, should not give the impression that it is not legally binding or has the same standing in a court of law as an intricate contract drawn up by a team of lawyers.

Basically, an IOU, an abbreviation for the words “I Owe You,” and more formally known as a “Debt Acknowledgement Form,” is one party’s pledge to repay a debt to another party. It typically is used when two parties have a level of trust between each other and can essentially break that pledge down to one phrase.

Essentials of an IOU

The principles behind an IOU are that it should be made as simple as possible and not require an extensive background in contract law. It is best, however, that it includes the following important information:

Although an IOU tends to be a pretty informal agreement made between family members or friends and acquaintances and the idea of charging interest may feel a little awkward, it can be a good idea for a few reasons:

Why Take an IOU? Isn’t a Promise Enough?

As stated above, an IOU is typically an agreement between friends or family, so you might be tempted to take a person’s word that they will repay the debt. If it’s only a small amount of money, that might be okay, but if the debt is for a rather substantial amount, getting an IOU just makes sense.

IOUs are simple agreements, but they do provide a sense of security on the part of the lender and establish a written obligation on the part of the borrower. Perhaps Shakespeare’s wise advice, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” should have the addendum, “unless you use an IOU.”

If you need help with an IOU letter format, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.