Civic Action Plan

UMW Bell Tower and GW Hall.

The UMW Center for Community Engagement has a Civic Action Plan (PDF) that we use to guide our work as we serve as a catalyst for community engagement between UMW and our greater communities, building bridges between students, faculty, staff, and community partners through effective relationships that bring about student learning and positive social change. This Civic Action plan outlines our goals and intended outcomes over a multi-year period as we work to create a culture of community engagement on our campus.

Word cloud with words related to community engagement and service learning

University of Mary Washington is a member of Campus Compact, a national coalition of over 1,000 colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education. Campus Compact works to build democracy through civic education and community development, and encourages colleges and universities to commit to preparing students for democratic citizenship, building partnerships for change, and reinvigorating higher education for the public good. Campus Compact encourages the adoption of a Civic Acton Plan to guide an institution’s work. We have filed our Civic Action Plan with Campus Compact and are committed to deepening the work of our campus by ensuring that our teaching, research, and institutional actions contribute to the public good.

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Visit Us

The Center for Community Engagement is located in Suite 320 of the UMW University Center. Stop by and visit us or learn more about us online.

Center for Community Engagement – UMW
Suite 320, University Center
1301 College Ave
Fredericksburg, VA 22401