3066300 - How to bring the Header Text of supplier invoice to the Text field of Input Tax G/L account in FI document.
How to bring the Header Text of supplier invoice to the Text field of Input Tax G/L account in FI document?
- Open Fiori App Custom Fields and Logic.
- Click "+" button and create a new Custom Logic.
- Business Context - Accounting: Journal Entry BAdi Description - Journal Entry Item Substitution.
- Click "Example" button, then will see some example code.
- Create new logic according to the actual business requirement, the code below is just an example for your reference. DATA lv_customer_group(4) TYPE c. MOVE-CORRESPONDING accountingdocitem TO accountingdocitemout.
IF accountingdocheader-accountingdocumenttype = 'RE' AND
accountingdocitem-transactiontypedetermination = 'VST'.
accountingdocitemout-documentitemtext = accountingdocheader-accountingdocumentheadertext.
substitutiondone = abap_true.
- Publish the logic.
See Also
Custom Fields and Logic, F1481, FI Substitution, MIRO, Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced, Header Text, Text, Input Tax, G/L Account, VST, Journal Entry, Item Substitution
KBA , MM-IV-ADB , How To