3066300 - How to bring the Header Text of supplier invoice to the Text field of Input Tax G/L account in FI document.

How to bring the Header Text of supplier invoice to the Text field of Input Tax G/L account in FI document?




  1. Open Fiori App Custom Fields and Logic.
  2. Click "+" button and create a new Custom Logic.
  3. Business Context - Accounting: Journal Entry BAdi Description - Journal Entry Item Substitution.
  4. Click "Example" button, then will see some example code.
  5. Create new logic according to the actual business requirement, the code below is just an example for your reference. DATA lv_customer_group(4) TYPE c. MOVE-CORRESPONDING accountingdocitem TO accountingdocitemout.
    IF accountingdocheader-accountingdocumenttype = 'RE' AND
    accountingdocitem-transactiontypedetermination = 'VST'.
    accountingdocitemout-documentitemtext = accountingdocheader-accountingdocumentheadertext.
    substitutiondone = abap_true.
  6. Publish the logic.

See Also

Custom Fields and Logic, F1481, FI Substitution, MIRO, Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced, Header Text, Text, Input Tax, G/L Account, VST, Journal Entry, Item Substitution


KBA , MM-IV-ADB , How To