Frequently Asked Questions - LL – Learners License related services

Steps to for Learners' Licence for New Learner's License (Flow may be differ from state to state):-
1. Visit
2. Select concerned state
3. Click on "Application for New Learners License" from "Learner's License" menu
4. Fill up Learner's License application Form
5. Click on Next Button to proceed
6. Visit RTO on scheduled date with original documents & Fee Slip

Language English

You need to contact your Zonal Office/Transport Department, while carrying the original document(s).

Language English

You need to contact your Zonal Office/Transport Department, while carrying the original document(s)

Language English

Learner's License validity is for 6 Months and post expiry you can only get a new Learner's License. The expired License cannot be renewed.

Language English

Any citizen who wants to add a category of vehicles in their license must take the following steps
Steps to follow for Additional Endorsement in License (Flow may be differ from state to state):-
1. Visit
2. Proceed for License related services
3. Select concerned state
4. Click on "Application for New Learners License" from "Learner's License" menu
5. Select "Applicant holds Driving License, Enter DL Number"; fill your Driving License number and Date of Birth

Language English

Yes. Any user who needs to add a category should follow the following steps. Steps to follow for Additional Endorsement in License (Flow may be differ from state to state):-
1. Visit
2. Proceed for License related services
3. Select concerned state
4. Click on "Application for New Learners License" from "Learner's License" menu
5. Select "Applicant holds Driving License, Enter DL Number"; fill your Driving License number and Date of Birth
6. Fill up Application Form